Paying for meals:
In China, it is not common to ‘go dutch’ and share the cost of a meal. In fact, you’re almost certain to be invited out for meals in which case your host will pay for pretty much everything. The usual form of repayment is simply, at the end of the evening, thank them (not too much though – as this is a sign of rudeness and that you may want to try and get out of returning the offer!) and say “next time it is my treat” or something along those lines. They will smile modestly, or even refuse, but this is usually expected. Be sure that you invite them out personally as the Chinese often consider a direct invitation as the polite procedure. If you’re paying for the meal, you should do thisawayfrom the table and out of sight from your own guests. Hunt down the waiter, or cashier, pay, and return to the table for a final toast of friendship. Do not broadcast that you’ve paid but modestly let them know should someone try to pay themselves.
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