Independent trip advice by expats based in China
China is of course massive in its size. There is ‘mainland’ China, which covers all the main provinces from the far north near Mongolia, to the south, bordering Vietnam. Then, one can include the shopping mecca that is Hong Kong (formerly British and in which cars still drive on the left-hand side), Casino capital Macao (an hour by boat from Hong Kong, formerly Portuguese), the island of Taiwan, in the far West is sandy and romantic Xinjiang, and finally high altitude Tibet and it’s fascinating culture. It goes without saying then that China has a varied wealth of culture. Beijing, Olympic capital city and shoppers-mecca Shanghai, are regarded as the most affluent cities. Guangzhou, near Hong Kong, is also making a business mark and is a base for many heavy industries that power the ‘Made in China’ brand, as with business-minded Shenzhen.
What makes China exceptionally fascinating to travellers is the vastness of the country and richness of the cultural components. In the former, we can describe camels in the West, Panda’s of Sichuan, the cheeky monkeys in Hunan causing havoc among tourist along forested pathways, white tigers of the north and abundant oceanic wildlife along the coast. With the latter, that of the richness, we can describe which kind of tea to be enjoyed at the correct time of the year, or the types of spice available, the weather patterns throughout the year or which is the best way to call a waiter’s attention based on the area of China you’re in. The variety is astounding. Magical. Fun.
Finally, my small team and I, scattered in different cities and providing awesome, updated content, will be highlighting some brilliant deals to or about China as well as hot stuff to buy ahead of your trip to China.
As a sidenote, this guide does aim to help the visitor, as opposed to foreign resident, in China, perhaps on a short tourist or business visit. We may build up our cache of advice for those looking to live in China, perhaps long term, but we’re primarily focused on people looking into tripping to China (hence the name). That said, let us know if you want to contribute, have suggestions or find a problem in our write ups. It all helps! We’re here to help you enjoy this amazing country. Suggestions welcome: wnic@qq.com
Bio: Damion W Braithwaite left the UK (Nottingham) for China in February 2006 to teach English to children at a state run school in the far Western province of Xinjiang. After some years exploring there and all the rest of China, he went to live in Changsha, Hunan and has been stuck there ever since running the cities biggest information service (WNIC) and a small British-style pub.
He left University after studying Management and moved to London where, after fighting for passengers’ rights in the national railway watchdog, he became a Project Manager. His biggest report was a factor in the senior Government’s review, and subsequent reorganisation, of the already privatised industry for the better of passengers.
After much deliberation he opted to change his profession entirely and live abroad – in China. He indulges in many pastimes such as walking, photography and visiting as many places in China, and around the world.
Damion is half Spanish and has travelled much of both the UK and Spain as well as many other countries, and therefore has a rich background of understanding and exploring different cultures, their customs and any peculiar habits they may exhibit. Click here to view my professional CV!
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