Pronounced ‘buy-jew’ (pinyin: baijiu) this is the legendary ‘white wine’. This is usually in excess of 50% alcohol and therefore damned strong!
You could get invited by other Chinese diners or a group of friends to do a ‘gam-bay’ (gambei). This is when you have to down the drink in one in a tiny glass ...and to refuse is a sure sign of disrespect to the toaster if there's a meal invite on the cards. If you are initiating the toast, you should toast to the guest of honour, and later, to everyone else on your table. But this is usually done at slightly more formal meals. This is a Chinese way of friendship and a sign of deep courtesy. The Chinese of course, mean it in the friendliest way but the quantity of baijiu they drink can be dangerously high, especially in northern provinces. Old men swear on a daily cup of the stuff.
It's clear, like vodka, and comes in elegant gold and red boxes – which can make these ideal gifts (be warned, the stuff -like all liquid- is not allowed through customs at airports and even through subway gateways which all have scanners for all luggage and bags). The best of it is called ‘Mountai’ and can cost a fair few hundred RMB. Baijiu is not suitable for mixing with soft drinks, as Vodka often can be. In the north, it's considered very much a man's drink and it's not uncommon to see large, round-table gathering of dudes drinking it up, toast after toast. But, feel free to join the baijiu fest if you're a female at the table!
It's also seldom drank alone, or as a bar drink. They usually save it for special occasions. Anyway, be warned, foreigners to China often find it way too strong and the aftertaste can be powerful. To say the least. That said, it's worth a go as part of experiencing China in it's fullest. Be warned on the cheap stuff though, the aftertaste can be lethal. It's one of those things where quality really does matter and if you get the best stuff, you won't get (much) of a hangover. It's also best avoided mixing with other drinks. Many an expat tale has been told while drunk on baijiu!
- The most popular alcoholic drink is beer. Find out their drinking habits and customs HERE.

'Moutai' brand is pictured far right