It’s certainly no hidden feature of the Chinese, regardless of the region they come from (asChinavaries greatly in terms of character, regional accents and dialects as well as customs), that they can be blunt to the point they will almost offend you. Of course, they mean well, and it is just a form of conversation that most Westerners find uncomfortable. Common and unnerving questions such as “How much do you earn?” “You’re older and fatter than before, shall we eat together?” and “Are you pregnant?” are commonly blasted out as a way to break the ice. In all cases, put on a brave face and smile – because ironically, to disagree is not a polite conversational point, which makes any offence all the more intensive! It’s a tricky situation that is best met with a smile and an “oh right” (in a way that you don’t fully agree with them), rather than a “how dare you”. Remember, no offence is intended at all.
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